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Configuration snippets and auto completions are suggested based off the syntax and configuration mode.


There are many command completions. Many commands start the same:

  • show ip interface brief

  • show ip route

Avoid typing spaces to better match the completion you are after.

Completions are selected by fuzzy matching what you type.

"shipintbr" will match "show ip interface brief".

"show ip" will match completions starting with "ip"–not "show ip".

Mask Conversions


This will only work with one of the Network Syntax set (Cisco IOS, Cisco NXOS, etc)

There are mask completions that convert between the different IPv4 mask types:

  • Prefix Length: /24

  • Subnet Mask:

  • Wildcard Mask:

The conversions are suggested as completions when typing the mask, prefix or wildcard.